Kerala School of Art is the pioneer Art school in north Malabar, founded way back in 1933 by Late Sri. C.V Balan Nair, an accomplished artist as well as a zealous promoter of ‘Kalari’, the indigenous martial arts of Kerala. In 1933, India was still under British rule, and Thalassery was one of the power centres of the British under the Madras Presidency. Having recognized first by the Madras Technical Education Department, and later by the State Board of Technical Education- Kerala, the course run by the school underwent name changes such as MGTE, KGTE, KGCE etc, and presently, the course is having the name ‘KGCE( Fine Arts and Animation)’ with two years’ duration.
Balan Nair had already completed his studies at the Govt. Institute of Fine Arts Thiruvananthapuram , when he conceived the idea of starting an Art School in Thalassery. In the Institute, he was trained by NN Nambiar, a leading artist of eminence at that time. Having developed a deep appreciation for artists like Jamini Roy, and the nationalistic art ventures like Shanti Nikethan , Balan Nair decided to do his part by starting an Art School to provide an affordable course to the talented children of the Malabar region... Know more

Fine Art is created for aesthetic and intellectual purpose and is judged for it’s beauty, implied meanings and the feelings it conveys. Digital Art is visual art created for specific purpose that also can be judged for it’s beauty, meaning etc. Through this program, the students get exposed to various art forms like drawing, painting, sculpting etc, and can specialize in their choice of the medium .Parallel to this, they get to learn the digital technologies that could be applied in the creation of works of art in digital formats. Along with these hard skills, life skills and language skills are also imparted to raise their competitiveness.
Through this process, the student grows into an artist empowered with the digital technologies having multiple capabilities and strong portfolios of creative works. The programme is so molded as to enable the students to pursue their own individual artistic interests and thought processes. Apart from the professional knowledge and skills, the students would also develop the core values and skills required for being responsible citizens.

- To become a creative artist and do freelancing.
- Graphic design services (print/digital/web media)
- To became a motion graphics artist
- Teaching at art institutions and Industrial Schools
- Teaching in general education schools (Govt./Aided)
- Professional painter/illustrator (Freelance or Employed)
- Cartoonists and comics illustrators
- Art Curators and Gallery owners
- Painting/Photo combined studios
- Graphic design services
- Artists in various Govt. Departments (Police, Agriculture, Textiles etc.)
- Over-seas jobs in all the above areas.